PRMG Premieres Their New 2021 Campaign, Path to Pivot, On The December Cover of The Prestigious Scotsman Guide.

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Since 2001, PRMG has carved out a path of its own. Realizing Progress is not possible without change, PRMG found that the key to succeeding in this ever-changing mortgage space is by remaining nimble and flexible. PRMG has mastered the art of lending along with the ability to adapt to change.  

“We have created a ʻPath to Pivotʼ to more consumer facing activities, modern lending technology, and an ever-improving path for Originators to evolve with the market and continue to deliver best in class service!” said, Kevin Peranio, Chief Lending Officer, PRMG.

Approaching the 20-year milestone, PRMG is still known as the company with deeply rooted principles based on serving the Originator. Having founders who have walked in their shoes and are empathetic to the day to day operations holds a significance to its employees and their company culture, Built by Originators for Originators™.

2020 has been a huge year for PRMG as they remain resilient despite all the obstacles thrown at them by not only breaking their record of funding $1 Billion Dollars in April 2020, but continually surpassing that goal throughout 2020!

2021, PRMG welcomes you with open arms and are ready to start chipping away at a new path towards the next milestone, challenge accepted!

To view the 2021 Path to Pivot campaign advertisement, please click here.